
"Neighbor Night"

Find Cascadia Stack at this fun, family friendly event in NE Portland! We’ll have a table and info, talking to neighbors about the importance of talking to each other about how we are feeling about climate change.

At Fremont United Methodist Church, “We heard over and over again how folks are struggling with increased anxiety and even dread about the political, environmental, and social situations we are facing now and going forward. We need to create community together, but often we don't always know how. We need to break through alienation and isolation and work toward resilience and mutual care.

To that end, this Alameda neighborhood community is hosting their first experiment in this direction. It’s an evening that includes a delicious meal, prompt easy conversation around tables followed by playing board games. The intention is to begin simply and do together what many people already enjoy doing, playing games!


The doors are open for all to attend. Invite others you think would benefit from this preliminary gathering. Neighbor Night will be Wednesday, November 13, 6-8:30pm. All ages welcome. We purposefully scheduled it post-election knowing that whatever happens, we will need to begin the important work of figuring out where we go from here.

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Climate Action Fair

Climate Action Fair

Cascadia Stack will be exhibiting for a Climate Action Fair, hosted by The Havurah Shalom Climate Action Team, The Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, and hosted at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center in SW Portland. Details, TBA.

6651SW Capitol Highway, 97219.

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Electrify PDX

Electrify PDX

Great success at this event. Cascadia Stack volunteers had around 30 meaningful conversations about what it means to be climate resilient, and emergency prepared.

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